
Hi, I'm Honey Sharma, a software developer with strong focus on the user experience, animations and micro interactions

memoji of gianmarco

About me

Ladies and gentlemen, Honey Sharma here, your tech-savvy , billionaire (in code), playboy (of pixels), and philanthropist (in open-source).
With 5 years of experience in JavaScript, React, and Node, I turn coffee into sleek, high-performing digital marvels.
My arsenal?, I wield the mightiest tools in the coding universe:

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Astro
  • Nextjs

When not suiting up to tackle code, you’ll find me smashing sixes on the cricket field, dominating the badminton court, throwing punches in the boxing ring, or jet-setting to explore new corners of the globe. Suit up, and let's build the future. I am Iron Dev. 💻🦾✨

Let's start working together!

Contact Details


Noida, India

Time zone


Currently working at Infoedge India Ltd (Nauki.com)

Countries I want to visit


© 2024 · Crafted with ♥️ using Astro by Honey.